Coming Soon

Diamanium Foundation


Established in 2022, Diamanium Foundation is built on the fundamentals of breaking the cycle of poverty, alleviating the financial troubles of the poor, giving people a chance to live a dignified life and spreading happiness.

We are an organization that believes in lighting up the lives of underprivileged people across the world; starting from Pakistan. We endeavor to provide the best quality services in areas including food, education, medical and social welfare free of cost to people living in the dark. With several different sectors, we aim to feed hungry people each day, hundreds more are given the hope of life through medical health care, education to become leaders of tomorrow be given the opportunity to stand on their feet financially.

Today, we intend that our presence extends throughout Pakistan with a major international network. Apart from Pakistan, we have overseas representatives across the world. We strongly believe that a little help goes a long way and our work would not be possible without the generous support of our valuable donors. 


With the collaboration of several participating organizations, institutes and hospitals; we intend to help the needy in every possible manner.


  •  Monetary Help
  •  Welfare
  •  Medical Help
  •  Dastar khuwan
  •  Water Filtration
  •  Plants
  •  Education
  •  Spiritual Wellbeing
  •  Shelter


In each of our divisions, we develop goals and strategies before allocating resources and making investments. We continually collect and share data on our progress, reflect on lessons learned, and make course corrections as needed. Essential to this process is ongoing dialogue with our grantees and partners – which is embedded throughout our strategy lifecycle.

We reflect on and review each strategy annually, and make adjustments to our implementation plan toward achieving our goals.

We develop campaigns for particular welfare, grantees/donors browse through the campaigns on our site, select a campaign and make a donation through online forms. Diamanium Foundation then provides the required welfare to the needy.


Within each strategy, which has an allocation of resources, we collaborate with grantee and partner organizations to develop proposals that align with our strategic priorities and the organization’s focus and capabilities. An important part of this process is reaching agreement on what success will look like for the investment.

Four-phase process to develop all of our grants and contracts. Concept Development, Pre-Proposal, Investment Development and Management and Close. The duration of each phase depends on the complexity of the project as well as the capacity and geographic location of the prospective partner.

We structure grants in a way that makes sense from a financial perspective while also funding partners for the cost of delivering results, supported by open and honest dialogue about the resources required. As grant proposals are developed, we try to gain a complete and accurate understanding of the total cost to execute the project efficiently and effectively.


From the outset of the grant making process, we intend to work with partners to define the overall results we hope to achieve and the data needed to measure those results. We call this approach outcome investing.

Whenever possible, foundation teams look for opportunities to build on grantee monitoring and evaluation rather than create parallel systems, and to invest in national evaluation capacity to support our welfare programs. We recognize that this may entail concurrent investments in building our partners’ evaluation capabilities. This support is provided directly by program teams and their embedded measurement, learning, and evaluation staff. 

Grantees/donors can transfer funds as:

  • Online transference of Zakat
  • Online transference of Sadqa
  • Online donation of any type for prosperity of humanity
  • Religious donations
  • Crowd funding

Diamanium Foundation plans to be part of the Global Goals to be achieved by 2030:

  1. No Poverty.
  2. Zero Hunger.
  3. Good Health and well-being.
  4. Quality Education.
  5. Gender Equality.
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation.
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy.
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth.
  9. Industry innovation and infrastructure
  10. Reduced Inequalities
  11. Sustainable cities and communities
  12. Responsible consumption and production
  13. Climate Action
  14. Life below water
  15. Life on land
  16. Peace justice and strong institutions
  17. Partnerships for the goals
  18. Anti-Narcotics/Illicit Drugs


Beyond our engagement with traditional media and use of social media platforms, key of our commitment is the accessibility to the data, information and knowledge. But it also doesn’t mean that we disclose the individuals’ credentials rather we prefer keeping anonymity of the person. 


The Diamanium Foundation made a clear commitment to actionable measurement as a guiding philosophy in 2022.  The philosophy spells out a clear need for purpose-driven evaluation rather than adherence to any one particular method or design. Where relevant and matched to the type of work we do, evaluation can help depersonalize decision making and provide objective data that can inform action.

This policy document outlines the foundation’s position on why, when, and how we use evaluation to create useful evidence for decision makers, improve program execution, inform our evidence-based advocacy, and develop stronger relationships with our grantees and partners. We view it as the starting point of a larger effort to make high-quality evaluation an integral part of how we operate and carry out our work.